
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Most Important Place on Earth

My most recent crochet project of Eeyore for my daughter 

For me home is the most important place on earth, because of who I share my home with. My home is a place of security not only for myself but for those who are either living here or for those who are staying with us temporarily.

Its important to me to provide a place of love and healing for the foster children that we have had staying with us and for them its important to feel secure and protected especially when they have come from a place of being unprotected and unstable. 

They can feel the need to find some control either through acting out in fear or frustration or being fearful and insecure causing them to be clingy. Finding some kind of routine is important to building security within a child's life. It does not have to be complicated just a simple morning and evening routine is all that is needed.

Knowing that after waking, that its breakfast time and after breakfast its time to get dressed and get the day started, is all that's needed for a morning routine. For the evening routine, its as simple as dinner, bath, book and bedtime, brings such a peace into their lives but it also helps with bedtime battles too.

Opening my home has been a real blessed within my life and my daughter's life too, its been hard and challenging too, dealing with everyone's emotions and needs, but seeing the joy come within their eyes and the pain and fear slowly fade, makes it easier and knowing that your making a difference even for a few days makes it worthwhile.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020



Its a healing centre...
Its a learning centre...
Its a place where love is born and where life's last breathe occurs...

When its such an important place, a sacred place for many, why then has it been left neglected.

In such a time of panic and confusion, home can be a place of peace and renewal against the storms of life.

A home must be built, not just from bricks, mortar and wood, but from love and a willingness to lay aside ourselves and serve those who God has placed within our lives whether its husbands, children, extended family members or those who are less fortunate within our communities.

Within our homes we can grow and learn to better ourselves and others through many opportunites especially now thanks to the internet, we can connect more easily through social media, but there are many people who even with all these advances are lonely and vulnerable.  

For myself, my home is a place of refuge especially at the moment with the Coronavirus panic that is happening around Australia at the moment, seeing first hand the supermarket shelves empty of essential foods and toilet paper makes me thankful for the small stockpile that I have on hand in case of emergencies. 

My home is also a place for health, over the last few months we have been following the low fodmap elimination diet, trying to work out my daughter's food allergies. So far the biggest result has been learning that she is lacose intolerant but we have also seen problems with gluten so now she is currently doing the six week gluten challenge for a blood test for celiac disease.

Lastly my home is a learning centre now that I'm currently studying a diploma in health science. I have homeschooled my daughter here but i have also leanrt new skills here too such as cooking from scratch and crochet and knitting. Considering that we are learning all the time if we slow down from the busyness and learn to appreciate the simple things in life, there really is life and love that can be found within our homes.