
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Looking at ways to save and earn money!

Now that I have decided to not work for four months I have been on the lookout for ways to save money around my home. As the saying goes, "It's easier to save money than earn money".

So I have started on one of my ideas but it's going to take a few months before I see any savings. Over here in Australia we are currently in winter especially as we live in southern Australia, it is cold, today's temperature is meant to reach 14 degrees or 57 Fahrenheit. Not the ideal temperature to start gardening but I purchased raspberry canes, a blueberry plant and 6 strawberry plants. In total they cost around $20 but with a punnet of raspberries costing $8.00 in the supermarket and a punnet of blueberries costing around $6.00 and strawberries are currently $4.00 a punnet, the savings will be great once we begin to harvest.

In March we were also given 7 one week old bantam x silkie chicks that have joined our one white hen, now they are 2 months off from hopefully producing eggs so we wont have to buy eggs and we will sell excess eggs to buy food for them and their manure will be used in the vegetable garden that I am currently work on. I have also had the idea to grow herbs seeing as I love to cook with them and any excess herbs I was think I could sell too.

Currently I have the chicken coop over the area that I will turn into a vegetable patch once the warm weather begins but they have been doing a fabulous job of scratching the dirt as well as fertilizing it so when spring arrives I can grow beautiful organic vegetables!

It amazes me that even though we only live on a surburban block there are many ways that I could not only save money but I have the potential with some hard work to make money as well. We have some fruit trees planted such as an apricot, plum, cherry and mandarin I also purchased a lemonade tree which is supposed to be a cross between lemon and mandarin. In the next couple of weeks I am hoping to buy an apple tree while the nursery is selling them bare-rooted for only $20.00.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Hard Decisions

I am sorry for the lack of posts but we are back      Hurray!

It has been a very busy time around our house lately, we have been travelling most weekends up to my brother's farm and the many social catch ups with our local home schoolers as well as with my work at after school care, we have been run off our feet with all the activities. But changes are occurring, my brother and sister-in-law have rented their farm out for a year and have decided to travel around Australia before my nephew starts school and my parents have decided to pack up their caravan and travel for about 4 months. So within a space of a few weeks all my support people will be leaving.

So then I came to the point of making the hard decision on what to do with Miss E while I went to work because it seemed to be a common question asked by many people.

Now that your mum and dad are leaving, what are your going to do with Miss E while your at work?

Well I had a few options but none of them seemed to be the right answer, including because she is 13 she could just stay at home by herself. I don't know about you but I didn't feel comfortable leaving her for at least 4 hours by herself and I would be about 30 minutes away if she needed me for anything.

So I made the decision to take myself off the roster at work for the next 4 months, so we will have more time to enjoy this:

Bush walking in the beautiful forest!
Looking for these guys in the trees!
Enjoying the scenery while we are looking!

I am looking forward to spending more time blogging about our new changes for our lives and I know it will be an interesting adventure as always.