
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Last Day of Spring

Over looking the lake at sunset.
Spring seems to have gone fast this year, today I only realised that tomorrow is the first day of Summer. Every year I can not wait for Spring to be over because I suffer from hay fever. I have noticed in the last few days that I have not had to take as many hay fever tablets as usual, which is a good sign that the pollen count is lowering.

Baby ducklings
Tonight we decided to go for a drive to our local lake and see if there was any baby ducks around. We only saw three little ducklings, two smaller ducklings and one larger. We also saw plenty of rabbits everywhere and there was plenty of baby rabbits but they were too quick to get a good photo. We did not get out for a walk, because there were too many mosquitoes around, we would have been eaten alive, so we decided to just drive around the lake.
Miss E and Milly

Of course Milly came for a drive, I think if we had let her out of the car she would have chased the ducks and
the rabbits. At my parents farm, when I take Milly with us, all she does is try to find rabbits and chase them. She checks all the bushes down the drive because that is were all the rabbit burrows are. She has only caught one so far and with the amount of rabbits around, I think the rabbits are winning.

Miss E took this photo :-)

Do you know of any natural hay fever tips that work? I have heard of taking bee pollen and honey to help boost your immunity towards pollen. Has anyone tried this and had some success.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Collecting Resources

Throughout the year I hunt around looking for resources. Especially if I find things for cheap or even better if I can find resources for free. Today I scored two A3 cutting mats for free from a friend at church. I have been looking for these but everywhere I looked they were expensive, Miss E has been wanting to use a cutting blade for cutting out fine pictures.
About $10 each if brought new in a shop

Near where we live there is an ALDI supermarket, about this time of year they sell art products, so I stocked up on some paint and I found these water colour pencils. We have never used them before so I thought I would buy them to try and for only $10.00, I thought they were quite cheap as well. I will have to research the technique on how to use them but I know Miss E will enjoy these.

Cheap shops have many art and craft products, paints and brushes and glue can be purchased inexpensively along with many other products. Recently I found glitter paint at our local $2 shop, I also saw they had air dried clay and utensils for a really good price, so you can guess what my next purchase will be.

Bargain at Aldi

Collecting resources throughout the year, I think eases the burden placed on my budget. I could save up all year and go shopping when the back to school sales are on at the beginning of the year but I like searching for bargains and for free resources. Also Miss E's interests change all the time so I can look for items that she would like instead of buying materials that might not be used.

What are some of the best resource bargains you have found recently?

Thursday, November 28, 2013


For the last few years I have had an android phone, but recently it decided to die. So when I rang my phone company they offered me an iPhone 5c. I think I'm in love.

Love my pink phone

I was originally put off an iPhone due to the extra cost add to my bill, but I was surprised that it was now quite affordable. Miss E has an iPod that she uses and has numerous songs so when I log into my iTunes account I could download the songs I liked without purchasing them again, Score.

Miss E watching a movie with her best friend

        The feature I am most
excited about is the podcast app. I can listen to varies talks on a wide range of subjects. From parenting to science and everything in between, they are great to listen to while I'm walking or while I'm doing housework. Currently I am listening to a learn to speak Italian podcast, I find it fascinating because it also talks about the culture too. Using technology has really advanced every ones learning, I have wanted to learn Italian and now I can learn it while going for a walk.
Today was cold and wet compared to yesterday so we decided it was a movie morning. In the afternoon we caught up with the homeschooling sports group in our area and went for an almost 5km walk, its going to take a few days for my feet to recover.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Getting Together

Checking out the water
Today was a day of getting together with other people. It was a wonderful warm day today, so it mad for a perfect day to get out of the house and meet up with other homeschooling children. I just love these warm days as they seems to encourage people to want to be in the sunshine. Today's get together was planned to be at the park which we began with, but being so close to the water, the outdoor public pool seemed like a better idea to the kids.

The weather was getting close to 30 degrees, so it was voted to head to the pool. The children had an absolute blast, we arrived at the pool at about 3pm where we bumped into another homeschooler that had brought her children for a swim. It was great fun for the children to catch up with each other, but it's equally as important for the mums to connect and share experiences.
Looking cool!!!

I have been concerned about Miss E's reading, so I asked some of the other mums about what I should do. It was so reassuring to hear that I was actually do a great job with her and it might take some more time for her to understand. It really is wonderful to have the support of other homeschooling mum, especially mums who have been in the same position and to hear their stories of when their kids started to read.
Diving into the pool

Today I also meet up with another lovely single homeschooling mother. It was so wonderful to talk with her and catch up. It really was funny how we have similar problems in our lives and how we can support  and encourage each other  because it is a job like no other, so to share and laugh really does help ease the burdens we face.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Learning to Cook

Miss E loves to cook but she has to instigate it. Asking her to help with cooking she doesn't hesitate to say no.

Someone couldn't wait!!!
Last night Miss E wanted to make carrot cake. So I pulled down my old school cookbook, we found the recipe and then I stepped back and supervised. Miss E struggles with reading, so I left her to read the recipe.

I only had to help once, which such a huge achievement, the result was a very yummy cake. Tonight we were at the supermarket, Miss E spotted a gingerbread house kit. 

We have never made gingerbread before so we thought a kit might me a good first step, we want to try to make gingerbread but I think we will start with gingerbread men.

It even came with the lollies
Cooking covers many areas of schooling, reading, maths and science are only to name a few. If your child is struggling with learning cooking is a great activity to start with and it does not even look like schoolwork. 

For children who refuse to read or find maths hard, cooking will be a fun way to incorporate learning. Miss E refuses to read a book but she showed me that she can read a recipe. 

Who knew that learning could be so much fun and in the end you get to eat your schoolwork instead of the dog.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Vegetable Gardening

At my parent's house, we have a vegetable garden. We have grown the vegetable garden bigger this year and will hopefully supply 3 households with at least some veges. This is one of those home school projects that many try. Knowing where food comes from is a huge lesson, but also all the effort it takes just to grow something is vital.
Strawberries and a few herbs

Some children still think that all food comes from the supermarket. Supermarket shopping opens up many lessons that can be taught about vegetables and fruit. Asking children whether it is grown is a cool region or a tropical region, or above ground or under ground, what part of the world it is grown or even comparing prices of fresh, frozen or canned.

Beans and Tomatoes
We have had the opportunity to visit some farms that grow vegetables and meat. Looking at it from a farmers point of view opens up discussions about hard work, lessons in perseverance when you rely on seasons and the weather. What happens to livestock and vegetables in drought, and how the farmers try to survive during these hard times.
Carrots, corn and broad beans

Growing vegetables helps children to try new foods and inspires them to help prepare the vegetables in the kitchen, many schools have incorporated gardens into their schools. Everyone should have a go at growing vegetables even if its just a few tomato plants among the flowers. They are guaranteed to taste better than supermarket tomatoes, try them for yourself.

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Meet Hairy the Ferret. Friendly little fellow but he smells really bad at the moment because he needs a bath. Around my parents house, they live on 4 acres, there are rabbits everywhere. My brother has been talking about getting a ferret for a long time.

 Then he found Hairy 3 days ago wandering around the street. He has put up posters and asked people around where he was found but no one has claimed him yet. We decided yesterday to take him rabbiting to see if he could help control the rabbit population. They keep invading Dad's vege garden.

They caught one rabbit which will be Hairy's dinner for the coming days and a baby rabbit. The girls each had a cuddle of the baby rabbit and Mister T, my nephew had a little hold as well before we released it back to its mother.

It was very cute

My brother had ferrets as we were growing up, so to be able to share this experience with our children was fun, its fun to catch a rabbit but its exciting waiting and watching for the action to happen as well.


The age old question that is asked to all homeschoolers and that homeschoolers grow tired of is the question about socialisation.

Waiting for the rabbits
I'm sorry to say that Miss E doesn't always hang out with people her own age very often, but I find that she is well socialised with other children as well as adults. Being an only child, when I first thought about homeschooling it was probably the number one worry. As time has gone on though, I really wonder what the whole fuzz was about.

This weekend so far has consisted of youth group each Friday night of the term, Miss E friend next door stayed over last night and they socialised well into the night, until I told them to be quiet :-) cheeky monkeys.
Today I took the girls to my parents place where my brother was rabbiting with his young son.

Miss E and Mister T looking for rabbits
I have to admit that some days we don't meet up with any other children but I have to meet up with other adults. I see this as socialisation too because she practises talking respectfully to adults. Other times with meet up with friends who have younger children as Miss E plays with them and interacts with them.

Baby rabbit receiving hugs before release
Socialisation happens in many ways and I think we can limit our children if we think that it only occurs at school, each time we step outside our homes and into our community, we can find ourselves in some wonderful situations where we can be social not your with people our own age.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Life skills

You may notice that I think life skills are vital to homeschooling. Not that I think actual schoolwork is not important but I think teach children life skills are equally important. Now if you have never heard of life skills, its just teaching the skills that are needed in everyday life from cooking to clean and how to bank money.

This chart has some ideas about different life skills you could teach your child, these include helping to clean the car and vacuuming. It also lists so ideas that I would never of thought of such as cutting and arranging flowers in a vase or teaching how to oil a squeaky door.

I remember when I moved out I knew how to cook and wash my clothes, but I had no clue when it came to budgeting and bill paying. I was also very clueless about how to clean and run a home. Now not that my parents did a bad job, they did an awesome job but I was very clueless about many of things.

Taking the time to make a list of some of the life skills that you think is important and then training your children in them, and having the vision that one day your children will be an adult makes you want to prepare them to the best of your ability. Children also learn by imitating what you do, take them with you when you pay bills or shopping. Explain to them the steps you take, show them your bills and explain what the numbers all mean.

You can affect future generations by your actions today.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Best Friends

My daughter has friends, she even has a best friend who lives next door to us, true friends are harder to find, one that you can pour your heart out to and you will never be judged or criticized. Miss E being an only child, i used to worry about her being lonely, so I decided to buy her a dog.  I found the perfect dog at the pound, meet Milly.

They are never far from each other

Owning pets teaches children about taking responsibility, not only about providing for their basic needs but also for their emotional needs and social needs. Animals can be great company for children too, it doesn't just have to be a dog. Growing up I had a horse that if ever life felt to hard i would pour my heart out and I cried many times.

Cuddle Time with Pepsi
Miss E has a real love for animals, I really wouldn't be surprised if she someday has a job working with animals, from a young age we have had varies animals ranging from a goat to rabbits. Gaining valuable life skills working with them all and learning their needs will aid her in the future if she decides that what she wants to do.


As I mentioned yesterday, the last few days have been cold and windy, so what better weather than to do some knitting.
My daughter wanted a hooded scarf done a while ago and I did start it, but as life got a bit busy I didn't have time to sit and complete it.
The last few days though have reminded me that I haven't been doing it and winter will be over in another week so I had better get cracking.
Over yesterday and today I have managed to complete just over half, so I am hopeful that by Monday or Tuesday it will be finished.
This is my progress so far:

The wool is black and has some gold string in it.
Once it is complete I will take another photo.
This scarf is so easy to do and to finish it off and to make the hood. Just fold the finished scarf in half and sew down one size, until it is big enough to fit on her head.
Now I have been knitting again, I am surprised how much I enjoy it, which brings me to the next problem.
What to make next, I am only a beginner knitter, so I want to make something more challenging than a scarf but I only know how to knit and purl.
One day I would love to be able to make a jumper or a cardigan, something I could wear.
So if anyone has any patterns or simple ideas, let me know in the comments below.
Thank-you in advance.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The World is our Classroom

I once had a sticker on my old car that said the world is our classroom. It was always a great reminder as I got into the car to look for opportunities for learning. Learning experiences are everywhere from shopping to just simply helping someone in need. We have the responsibility to prepare our children for when they become adults. Teaching children life skills I think are more important than many subjects, like teaching children about banking and saving money.

Most of our learning happens out in the wider world, beginning first from our families and extended families. Taking the time to pass on skills that we have learned is important, but also for ourselves it causes us to learn even greater skills so that we are constantly learning and we can show our children that we never stop learn even though we have finished school.

At the botanical Gardens
If we can see the opportunity for learning just through simple everyday conversations and interactions, we realise we have been homeschooling before our children ever step into a classroom. My favourite place to connect with my daughter and have interesting conversations is in the car. Many discussions have taken place as we have been driving that have helped me learn more about Miss E.

I used to volunteer at an op-shop which was a great experience not only for my daughter but it was also a learning experience for myself as well. Learning how to operate a business can be translated in many areas of our life's especially for running a household which benefits everyone.


 So today I am challenged, what do I want to learn so that Miss E sees me learning a new skill? I have been thinking of learning to dance, what a great way to lose weight and get fit while having fun.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Single Mum Homeschooling

I am no supermum, there I said it, I have many days when I feel overwhelmed by all that I have to achieve.

Housework,washing, cooking but then you add schoolwork and it dominates your day.

Clearing out our main cupboard of clutter

Some days I feel that nothing else gets done except schoolwork and cooking because we have to eat right?

Many days I find myself at the end of the day as I am laying bed thinking have I used this day to the best, what things could I have done differently and how could I improve tomorrow.

Then I remember that I chose to live on a path that is different, there are going to be many bumps along the way and I'm not going to get it right all the time.

There are many things I would like to change on this path but would I step off the path that I'm on for maybe an easier one and that answer is

Loving my life and smiling while I'm doing it, is the answer.

Work in progress, starting to put items back

Also clearing out the clutter that fills not only our homes but
also our minds is key to having peace in our lives, also
helps that we can clean our homes faster without all
the stuff blocking and slowing us down, it is a constant process,
but the results are worth all the hard work and effort that is needed to deal with it all. Plus once we have conquered the clutter mountain we have more time to enjoy the things we love with the people we love.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Home is where my heart is

Who says schoolwork has to be serious 
I feel very blessed to be able to spend most of my time at home. Don't get me wrong, its not easy.

Especially as a single mother who decided that I could not stand by and watch my daughter struggle at school. I looked at some other schools but I still came up with the same problems.

I decided to look out side of the box, which would mean that I had to rock the boat and step outside of my comfort zone.

Just being home-schooling mum is weird, I have been told that I don't look like a hippy but most people are curious and the common thought is that they could never do that. Then they find out I'm a single mother and it changes to how do I do it.

I have an amazing family who has supported me no matter what, that is the key. It almost seems to be unconditional love that I feel from them and if I didn't have their support it would be so much harder but not impossible.

Learning to live with less is vital, I cant afford everything that school could offer my daughter, no one possibly could, but I have come to realise I have many things I can offer my daughter that schools could never offer her.

Shopping lessons in how to get the best buy, how to stretch each dollar by looking for bargains on eBay and other second-hand websites, learning how to cook her favourite meals and teaching her life skills that will assist her later in life.

I think that is one of the biggest revelations that I have come to recognise is that I will be one of my daughters biggest influences in her life, good or bad. Not her teachers or friends because I get to spend a great deal of the day just hanging out with my daughter loving and learning together.

I love to teach my Miss E about life as well as helping her learn about Maths and English, I think I have learned more in my life in the last 4 years than at any other time, but it also seems that all that I learnt as I was growing up I am now able to pass onto my daughter, all my wisdom so that she does not have to learn it like I did but that she is able to stand on what I have taught her, so she is able to aim higher and go further.

I suppose that is one of the reasons that I love home-schooling but the biggest is that I get to hang out everyday with the coolest person I have ever met, my daughter.